Well, here goes. I am trying to blog! It's definitely fall on the mountain. The maples have all turned and the aspen are beginning their change to gold! By next week-end things should be spectacular...and it's also getting quite cool in the evenings and mornings.....I love it! Wish you could all get down to see it. Beau was here on Monday and spent a few hours in St. George with the Grandparents. They really enjoyed that. Speaking of the grandparents, I think Granny is doing quite a bit better. She has PT three times a week and the therapist think she is getting stronger each session! Grandfather has had a touch of food poisoning or flu but he's on the mend too. They seem so much better than a few weeks ago..,.and I am very grateful. My cousin, Mary Kay, Aunt Carma's daughter, was in St. George yesterday and visited them. She had been to the temple and found out it was Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather Cottam's 100th Wedding anniversary on Tuesday the 23rd of September and she was so excited to be in the very place that they were married exactly 100 years ago! Farmer Joe and I have been making soup this week! We spent all day yesterday and only did 14 quarts....ug...there must be a quicker way to this but it looks good and if you're very nice I might share a quart or two....but remember VERY nice! Well I debuted as Choir Director Sunday. It went OK. People were very nice to us saying things like, "wow, the choir sounded great!" etc. I felt relieved...actually I was quite nervous about it all
Harley is doing much better. Perhaps you heard that he tangled with a fox or raccoon or something! Anyway, he was pretty beaten up and we are so grateful that the shot and medicine are doing the trick!,
Farmer Joe has been very busy repairing the house.....although from the sound of things there will be NO house sales for a very long time! Anyway, he's been working very hard and I really appreciate all he does for me. There have been lots of deer around. One doe has been coming each night and emptying our bird feeder., She absolutely is addicted to those black sunflower seeds! Who would have thought it was the deer eating them,. I just assumed it was the squirell! We had a cute little red fox on the road the other night. He looked so friendly I wanted to pet him...but second thought no....he's probably the one that got Harley. Have a great week and I am open to your suggestions for this column.....Cheers!
Well, I am so proud of all you footballers, soccer players and coaches. You're great! Though I've only seen a few games...you are all awesome!