Tuesday, November 25, 2008

MiMi's 100th Birthday!

Today is MiMi's 100th Birthday. Happy Birthday MiMi. Louise Coggeshall was born November 25, 1908 in Marion, Indiana, the only child of McPherson and Ida Eudora Fetterman Coggeshall. She grew up in Mankato, Minnesota surrounded by her uncles and aunts and cousins. She often spoke of her grandparents and the great love she had for them. Louise was a lovely, gracious woman and a wonderful mother-in-law. She was always kind and non judgemental and was so proud of all of her grandchildren. She was so talented in creating beautiful crafts for her home as well as the incredible needlepoint pictures and Christmas stockings she made for each of her 10 grandchildren. I know each of you has a special memory of MiMi. Perhaps today would be a good time to share it with your children/family. Anyway I know she was a devoted, loving mother who taught her children well....example..... your father. It was 10 years ago that we all gathered together in California to celebrate MiMi's 90th birthday. What a great memory that is for me. I remember how fun the grandchildren had riding the horses and just being on the ranch. How grateful I am that you were ALL there....it was wonderful. We are so grateful for her wonderful memory and all that she taught us...(including MiMi's game) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIMI! WE LOVE YOU.

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